Evolution of marketing can be studied by dividing them into different stages according to their periond of development and research. Here, the evolution of market can be studied in seven different stages. Stages of evolution of market are self-sufficient stage, exchange oriented stage, production oriented stage, sales oriented stage, marketing oriented stage, consumers oriented stage and management oriented stage.
In self-sufficient stage of the evolution of market, the concept of marketing was totally absent because each family was self-sufficient. The human beings were nothing more than hunting and gathering foods. They had neither to sell nor to buy any goods. They consumed what they produced. People started to produce more than what they need with the growing of population. The surplus goods were exchanged in term of goods needed to those who had surplus and ready to exchange in exchange oriented stage. This exchanging system is also known as barter system. In this stage, people invented the coin to avoid the problem arouse in exchanging of goods as inconvenient, tedious, time consuming and measurement problem. Production oriented stage was developed after the industrial revolution in the world. Production oriented stage helped to develop the viewpoints in producers as if the products are good and have reasonable price with wide availability, customers' will buy the goods with little marketing efforts. The primary concern under this stage was to produce more goods through the high production efficiency. Producer thought that the high production could maintain the lower production cost, as a result there was no problem of selling. They started to establish sales department to sell the products at a price determined by the producers. In sales oriented stage, they assumed that customers would normally not purchase enough unless approached through incentive sales promotion salesmanship efforts. They thought that the products were not purchased but they had to be sold with the help of incentive tools. It was clear that the main problem in the economy was not to produce the goods but to sell them. So, organization and marketers started to use aggressive promotional tools, such as advertising and salesperson to pursuade the customers about the goods. Their main purpose was to attract the customers to the products. Greater emphasis was given in increasing the sales than customers' satisfaction. It was emphasized first to determine the needs and demands of the people and to distribute the goods more effectively and to efficiently than competitors in marketing oriented stage. They decided to find out the needs of the customers and produce what customers actually needed.
Consumer oriented stage is the modern concept of marketing which was introduced after 1950 A.D. It believes the philosophy consumer and satisfaction not the product. It focuses to provide maximum satisfaction as a result people are getting the required products at their home. Home delivery services, after sales services, free camp and free installation etc are the examples of this consumers oriented stage.
Management oriented stage focuses and suggests to the management that marketing must be well planned, well organized, well staffed and well controlled. In this stage, the producers must first determine what it can sell, how much it can sell, what approaches must be used to convince the changing customers. Thus, several local, regional, national and international organizations are established to manage the marketting activities around the world. FNCCI, Nepal Chamber of Commerce, SAFTA, EU and WTO are some of the examples of the organizations. These organizations are operating different activities to manage the marketing aroung the world.Evolution of marketingtypes of market

Posted by kumar gautam Saturday, February 27, 2010

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