Standardization means the establishment of certain standards of the qualities or the intrinsic physical properties of a commodity. It certifies that the products are of a certain quality. It is a model. It is a grade or a class. It is measured in units of qualities or characteristics of product of service. It may be based on a number of characteristics such as color, quality, weight and shape and size etc.
It plays important role in marketing as it assures for the quality uniformity of the product to the customers.
Elements/Functions of Standardization:
There are some elements/functions of standardization which are discuss briefly.
1. Determination of standard: Standard is a model. It is an example. It is a grade and class, which generally measures accepted fixed value. It consists of basic limits to the qualities of product. It may be based on a number of factors such as colour, quality, weight, shape and size and strength etc. To determine the standard of the product is major duty of Manager in the organization. Because it assures the customers for consuming or using the product through it's quality uniformity. There are three types of standard-
- Quality standard
- Quantity standard
- Standard of size and measurement
2. Grading: Simply, grading means the division of productd into classes of similar characteristics in size and quality. It separates the products on the basis of pre-determined norms or standards of shape and size, colour, degree fo cleanliness, acidity or other significant characteristics. It classifies the products in accordance with the needs of the standards. It indicates a certain standard of quality or performance, which facilitates to the people for easy using the goods and services.
3. Inspection: After grading the product, it is necessary to inspect the effectiveness of grading. The aim of checking or inspecting is to test the goods in order to determine the characteristics. It is the process to confirm the standard of the product. It helps whether it maintains or does not maintain the quality.
4. Labelling: A label may be a piece of paper including printed statement or a metal imprinted, may be a part of package or attached on it. It includes price, content, name, place, quality, weight etc. of products. The process of attaching the label is called labelling. It helps to know the detail information of products.
There are many importance of standardization but among them ten of them are listed below:
1. Easy sales
2. Wider market
3. No risk
4. Satisfaction
5. Good will
6. Easy claims against losses
7. Easy loan facility
8. Reasonable price
9. Low transport cost
10. Reduce sales cost
11. Product information
12. Mass production
13. Employment opportunity
14. Long period contract

Posted by kumar gautam Friday, April 2, 2010


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