Demand creation is the process that is designed to stimulatee the desire of customers into a demand towards the product. To create the demand, marketers must use some efforts which stimulate a desire for products to purchase the goods. There are different promotional tools which are used by producers and marketors to create the demand of customers. They are advertising personal selling, sales, promotion, publicity and public relations which are discussed below.
1. Advertising: Advertising is paid form of non-personal presentation and Demad Creationpromotion of ideas, goods and services. It is done by an identified sponsor. It includes mass media such as radio, Tv, newspaper, maggzines, display etc. It conveys the message about the products and try to persuade the consumers to buy the goods. So, it can be taken as an important and effective tool to create the demand of the product.
2. Personal selling: Another element to create the demand is personal selling. Under this presentations, meetings, incentives programs are used as tools to create the demand of customers. Similarly, push sale is done under this method.
3. Sales Promotion: Sales promotion is such markting activities other than advertising, personal sellling, publicity and public relation. It is an aggressive method of selling which is used for short term to ecourage the customers. Samples, coupons, discounts, contests, free goods, gifts, trade fair and exhibitions etc. are used as tools of sales promotions. These tools create the demand of the products and help to increase the sales volume more than in normal period.
4. Publicity: Publicity is non-personal and non-paid stimuli of demand for a product/services or a business unit through mass media such as radio, Tv or stage. It is done through news and feature story in a publication to craate teh favourable impression towarda the product ro organization.
5. Public relation: Public relation is another important tool to create the demand. It creates, develop and maintains the good rlation between the organizations and the general public customer meetings, periodical reports, press conference, public speech etc are the tools used under this method. These tools help to increase the goodwill and maintain the good-relation as a result it helps to promote the sales by creating the demand of customers.

Posted by kumar gautam Saturday, March 27, 2010


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