Elements of Marketing
1. Product mix: Any thing that satisfies the needs and demands of the people is known as product. It is primary elements under the marketing mix as all the marketing activities are related to the product. If the product fails to meet the requirements of the customers, it can't face the competition and no other activities will support it. Thus product plays vital role in the marketing.
The organization must considered the following components about the product mix.
a. Product, planning and development
b. Standardization and grading
c. Branding
d. Packaging
e. Labeling
f. After sales services and
g. Warranties etc.
2. Price mix: Price mix is the amount of money which is paid by the people to get the product. The manager of the organization determine teh reasonable price that influence to the customers to purchase the goods and services. Similarly, the price must satisfy both the suppliers and buyers. High or low of the price will effect the demand adn supply of the product. So, teh components like (a) price list, (b) Discounts and allowances (c) competitors price (d) Pricing objectives (e) Terms of sale (f) Government policy and (g) cost of production etc. should be considered by the manager to determine the price.
3. Place(distribution) mix: It supports to delivery the product from origin of production to place of consumptions. By focusing to provide the right to product, right to quantity, right time to right place. Thus, the producers must consider and manage the components like proper selection of distribution channel, dealer motivation physical distributions like order processing, material handling, warehousing inventory management, proper transportation to make the product accessible and available.
4. Promotion: The activities like communication and promotion of products to the target market is included in the promotion. It's very essential to the organization because organization can't be succeed without the promotional tools. Promotion will make fruitful to all others elements of marketing mix. It helps the customers to stimulate and create the demand of the products. Advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, direct marketing, publicity and public relation etc come under the promotion mix.

Posted by kumar gautam Monday, March 15, 2010


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